Countdown to Gen Con Online: 50-41

Time is ticking down! We've bought some official merch from Gen Con, and have been hunting down games to fill out the last slots of the countdown. We're not exactly sure what we'll do after the countdown is done, or if we will still post a game every day. We typically play less games in the summer, as we find ourselves busy with other commitments. One thing is for sure: when we finally decide to join up again in person, we're planning a bit of a feast!

Games Featured:

After playing Paladins of the West Kingdom and Raiders of the North Sea, we found ourselves jumping between Shem Phillip's Trilogies until we made it through all available online options. Shipwrights of the North Sea was the only one we couldn't find, and we sort of stumbled upon Shelfie Stacker on Tabletopia. We've enjoyed his games so much that we purchased the complete North Sea Trilogy from Garphill Games, including the Epilogues RPG. We've also backed Shelfie Stacker on Kickstarter. Needless to say, we've become loyal fans, and we're excited to watch Shem tonight on Dice Tower's Daily Chat!

Playing more online has increased our solo and 2 player plays by quite a bit. While we've also played some of these multiplayer, Nations, Welcome To, Fantastic Factories, and On Tour are a handful of the solo games we've been enjoying. Jaipur, Onitama, and Patchwork are all two-player games that have excellent stand-alone apps. Playing Patchwork against the hard AI (named after Uwe) is truly challenging!

Small World was a game we used to play quite a bit, but has since fallen out of rotation. Right now, we're preferring the area control of Yellow and Yangtze. This is one that we've only played on the app, but have loved the experience. The animations and artwork are clear while still being immersive. We do think that it's worth nothing that it's bit more expensive than the average board game app.


10x10(x5) Challenge, Part One


Countdown to Gen Con Online: 60-51